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Moving to the US and not knowing English


When I first came to the United States, I never imagined how drastically my life would change. The first day with school I got lost in the hall and was walking and walking, trying to find my Geography classroom. When I finally found it, my new teacher greeted me and I did not understand what she said. Although she was not Mexican, she understood a little Spanish. I kept thinking about what to say and I just said "no English." She laughed and told me that almost the whole class spoke Spanish. That day, I met people from different parts of Mexico and other parts of the world like, El Salvador, Puerto Rico and other places. When Geography was over I had to go to my next class. That was Biology. I had to get down the hallway. I saw so many people, a few talking, others shouting, other people pushing. When I found my Biology class, another new thing was that I met people from Iraq, Afghanistan, Turkey and more.


The first day of lunchtime I had the good luck of meeting someone who became my friend and helped me with my problems of being new. Lunchtime was new because I had to use a password to get my lunch. I remember that first lunch, it was: pizza, fruits, bread with peanut butter, strawberry milk and chocolate milk. Sometimes they even gave us Chinese food.


After I learned my schedule, I began to realize that my class was pure Latino  but only the teachers were white. My classes were difficult for me, and I struggled to write in English.  My teachers but they let me use the translator for my writing. From then on I started using the translator to support myself and use it. It was very useful for me during my first year until here, and now but I feel very good because I almost do not need it anymore.


As time passed, but I try to improve in everything as well as continue and keep trying to master English in the future.

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